
Welcome by the GLSA President 

Dear aquatic enthusiasts, welcome to the webpage of the Greek Lifesaving Sports Association (GLSA). It is a great pleasure to announce the formal establishment and the beginning of our operation. 

Drowning as a spearhead of aquatic injuries is a major public health problem, as Greece ranks 5th within the European Union of the 28 Member States (Eurostat 2016) and 39th among 116 countries (World Health Organization 2014). The traditional methods (legislation, lifeguard training, etc.) have proved inadequate to solve the problem. GLSA arose from the undeniable need to establish a Greek body that will serve this purpose, based on new methods and identified with the following facts: (a) that "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease" (World Health Organization 1946); (b) that "everyone has the right of health protection" and that "the government takes care of citizens' health and takes special measures" (Constitution of Greece, Article 21, par. 3 and Article 5, par. 5), (c) the purposes and benefits of Olympism (Szymiczek 1984), and (d) the rules of the International Life Saving Federation and International Life Saving Federation of Europe for the use of lifesaving sport as means to promote water safety. GLSA is NOT a lifeguard agency and does NOT certify lifeguards. It was founded to allow everyone enjoy the participation in water safety and lifesaving sport activities. Do the first step by becoming a member. We would be glad to have you in our growing family, that today spans in 30 countries.

With lifesaving greetings

GLSA President